
Round 2 – Le Mans Start (With a twist) Confirmed

Round 2 – Le Mans Start (With a twist) Confirmed

by April 1, 2019 0 comments

It has been confirmed that Round 2, April will see a Lee Mans start, with a slight twist.

Drivers will be expected to line up in the softplay area of the Rye-assic park. Upon hearing the race start through the speakers, all 30+ drivers will be expected to Navigate through the Rye-Assic soft play Adventure. It is important that all drivers remember that they are in a race and not to get carried away.

Down the slide, through the ball pit (Some drivers will instantly be at home in this area) and out through the double doors.

Drivers will then sprint through all 9 holes on the Rye-Assic mini Golf course towards their kart on the start finish. Please can Nick Griggs and Joe Ochiltree stay out of the sand.

Please can the faster drivers avoid the slower drivers who maybe running on track. St. Johns Ambulance will be attendance, 8 Ambulances will be on site during race start, all will depart after lap 5 leaving John Beaumont on the first aid kit – He’s had good practice, also seen a key number of Holby City episodes.

Look forward to seeing you all there!



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